Captivating Story - A charming and tragic tale unfolds including animation storyboarded and created by Studio Ghibli with English and Japanese voice overs
Another World - Breathtaking graphics, achieved through maximizing the hardware's potential, bring to life the realm of Ni no Kuni and fully engage players in Oliver's adventure through this lively, animated universe.
Dynamic Fights - Freely switch control of characters and familiars in an exciting battle system that combines real-time and turn-based tactical elements
Role Playing Mastery - New and traditional RPG elements expertly crafted and designed featuring dozens of locations to explore, hundreds of creatures to battle and a wealth of quests and secrets to uncover throughout the sweeping journey
All-Star Production - LEVEL-5's mastery of the RPG genre is combined with Studio Ghibli's world-class animation and music composed by the renowned Joe Hisaishi